Of course it doesn't. It's not a perfect solution, it's just one tool I use.
I still go through the messages in the spam folder, to make sure what's in
there is spam, or at least my definition of spam. Sure, we've got clueless
users, just like any other company. A common saying around here is to try to
make things "Ginny-proof", named after our favorite administrative

And at the risk of getting into the "recursive RBLs are bad" discussion
again, I have to say that it works for us. I use a combination of
bl.spamcop.net and our own internal blacklist zone for RBL lookup. We're
blocking between 2000 and 3000 messages a day, and every time I check the
quarantine, the legitimate emails are very few and very far between. I
haven't had to release a legitimate message in over two weeks. As I said,
it's not a perfect system, but it has made a significant dent in the amount
of spam that hits our users' mailboxes, and it has not gone unnoticed.

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Scharff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 3:49 PM
To: Exchange Maillist
Subject: Re: Using script to get header info

Does your script do reverse DNS lookups on the IP address as well so you can
make sure you didn't just block a major business partner by IP because one
of your users is clueless?

On 1/24/03 13:27, "Mike" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well, I wrestled with this for a few days, and this is what I've come up 
with. It may not be pretty, but it works for my purposes. This is a VBA 
macro in Outlook 2002. It prompts for a folder, then retrieves the IP 
address of the originating server for each message in that folder, reverses 
the octets and writes it out to a file, for inclusion in a dns blacklist 

'****************************************** exported from Outlook 2002 *** 
Attribute VB_Name = "GetSpam" 
' NOTE: Requires a reference to the Microsoft CDO 1.21 Library 
Sub ShowFolderInfo_Click() 

'*** this is the string to search for in the message headers 
'*** substitute your own "servername.domain" in the search string 
strSMTPSearch = "]) by servername.domain with SMTP" 
strSpamOutFile = "c:\spam.txt" 

Set MyNameSpace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI") 
Set myFolder = MyNameSpace.PickFolder 
If myFolder Is Nothing Then 
 MsgBox "User pressed cancel.", vbInformation 
 Exit Sub 
End If 

Set oSession = New MAPI.Session 
Set oSpamFolder = oSession.GetFolder(myFolder.EntryID) 
Set oMsgColl = oSpamFolder.Messages 

If oMsgColl.Count > 0 Then 
 outfile = FreeFile(0) 
 Open strSpamOutFile For Output As #outfile 
 For Each oMessage In oMsgColl 
   oHeader = oMessage.Fields(&H7D001E) 
   '^^^^^ this is the full header 

   oHeader = Left(oHeader, InStr(oHeader, strSMTPSearch - 1) 
   '^^^^^ this strips everything after the search string 

   oHeader = Right(oHeader, Len(oHeader) - InStrRev(oHeader, "[")) 
   '^^^^^ this gives us the offending IP address 

   strOctet = Split(oHeader, ".") 
   '^^^^^ this creates an array of the octets 

   strBadMachine = strOctet(3) & "." & strOctet(2) & "." &_ 
     strOctet(1) & "." & strOctet(0) &_ 
     vbTab & vbTab & "A" & vbTab & "" 
   '^^^^^ reverses the octets and builds the dns entry for blacklisting 

   Write #outfile, strBadMachine 
   '^^^^^ and then writes it out to the file 
 Close outfile 
End If 

MsgBox "Finished!" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "File is at " & strSpamOutFile 
End Sub 


The WRITE statement puts double quotes around the string when it's written, 
so I still have to load it in notepad and remove those (a simple replace 
with nothing). Next I load it into Excel along with the existing blacklist 
entries, sort them and save them back out. 

Today I processed 90 new messages in about 3 minutes. Yesterday, that same 
task would have taken an hour or more. 


-----Original Message----- 
From: Ken Cornetet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 4:31 PM 
To: Exchange Maillist 
Subject: RE: Using script to get header info 

Hmmm, I've been wrestling with CDO as of late, and your question piqued my 
interest. See 
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=KB;en-us;q194870 for code. 

-----Original Message----- 
From: Mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 4:03 PM 
To: Exchange Discussions 
Subject: Using script to get header info 

Hi folks, 

I created a public folder and asked several of our users to move their spam 
into it. From there, I can open the messages, view the headers, pluck the IP

addresses of the offending mail servers, and add them to our internal dns 

Works like a charm, but it's very labor-intensive. 

I wrote some vbscript code that examines all the messages in the folder, and

returns things like Sender, Subject, etc., all of which are basically 
useless to me in this case, but the practice was good. There doesn't seem to

be any property that will return the header info, no? I don't have a good 
reference book handy, but searching through the online MSDN library was 

Now it looks like maybe ADO/CDOEX might be the way to go. Does anyone have 
any sample code that might give me some pointers? This doesn't have to be 
fandy or polished. If I can retrieve the headers, I can parse through them 
and find the right "received by" line, and pull the address from that line 
and output it to the screen. I'd greatly appreciate any pointers at all, be 
it a web page, KB article, book, etc. 


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