"check out other professions and their views on accepting honorary titles."

Dr. receives honorary degree
lawyer receives honorary degree

Just for reference.

-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Deckler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 11:25 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: Migrating from GroupWise 6.5

I did not say what you say I said.

What I said was that, in my opinion, accepting honorary titles from vendors
is a conflict of interest and something that should be avoided by those who
are, or; technically, consider themselves, professional IT people. That is
my opinion. And this is not just my opinion, check out other professions and
their views on accepting honorary titles. Go educate yourself on the subject

Now, the other thing that you are incorrect in is that I did not bring this
subject up. This subject came up years and years ago back around
1996/1997 during normal list discussions. It is not like I just started
blasting people out of the blue. However, it seems that every time I post to
this list somebody is still holding a grudge from 1996/1997 and brings this
subject up. Once it is brought up, I will state my opinion and defend it.

Money is simply the physical manifestation of ego and thus there is no
difference between the two. I hold myself to my own professional code of
conduct. I have no idea if it is better or different or "longer" than anyone
else's. It is mine and that is all I know.

> No, You are wrong.
> Explain to me how you can tell someone that they are unethical AND not 
> expect it to be taken as an insult.  You feel justified in your 
> position and that is fine.  When you come into a public forum and say 
> that anyone who is an MVP is unethical, you cannot expect MVPs to take 
> it any other way than an insult.  By making your opinions as a 
> statement, you have committed catagorical slander on a group of people YOU
> If you had said that you disagree with vendor recognition, but that 
> MVPs do a lot of good for the Microsoft community (this discussion 
> list being a prime example), then you would be airing your opinion 
> with out discrediting the good work that some MVPs do.  Can you really 
> blame anyone for accepting recognition?  It is human nature to want and
deserve laud and attention.
> It is obvious that you measure yourself a much longer moral yardstick 
> than the rest of us.  Perhaps you should start your own Exchange list 
> for-the-morally-upright to keep these reactions from happening in the 
> future.
> Eric Fretz
> L-3 Communications
> ComCept Division
> 2800 Discovery Blvd.
> Rockwall, TX 75032
> tel:   972.772.7501
> fax:  972.772.7510

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