Not to get into a "my site is bigger than yours" argument but I once was the
only PC support technician for a Government department with ~ 1000 employees
spread across most of Western Australia.  We had 4 people on the phone
support lines and fortunately they were pretty cluey and could handle most
of the first level stuff.  We also had a number of staff that supported the
Oracle systems that were in use.  In between chasing down faults, we planned
upgrades and rollouts for new sites.  Of course this was back in the days
when Banyan Vines and Streettalk were a viable ( and easily managed) NOS.
We didn't have to worry about Exchange ( it didn't exist) as each server
stored the mail for users homed on that server.  My biggest task was talking
users through how to use the mail package.  I could manage every server from
my desktop and all without spending a bucket load of money on servers ( or
3rd party applications) for each site.  

It was a shame that Banyan's marketing/sales department couldn't sell food
to a starving man, because in their day, they had the best and most robust
NOS I've ever had the pleasure of working with.  I believe the guys that
designed Microsoft's AD came from Banyan's Streettalk development team.
Banyan had developed a NT based version of Streetalk that ran rings around
AD when it was first shipped.   
I  got out because I got sick and tired of having to deal with the "Empire
builders" that ran the IT department.    

-----Original Message-----
From: Dawn R. Ashford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 15 March 2002 5:41
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: RE: How can I regain Disk Space

Man Nick, and I thought I was in between the rocks!  I pass the prize to
you! I thought 50 to 1 was a hard ratio.. I'm sure done whining after
knowing you're holding up 600 users! 

-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Symiakakis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 2:28 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: RE: How can I regain Disk Space

I had been performing Brick level backups with ArcServIT, but recently
have been running Full backups of the IS and Directory, using NTbackup.
(by recently I mean the past couple of days.) I am going to continue doing
the Full backups every day.
   I had turned off all logging a long time ago, so I don't have any logs
per say taking up disk space.
   When I looked at the Event Log, Event ID 1221 said that there was only
4MB of white space. I cant understand this, because I know for a fact that
a few people that had over 100 Megs each of resources being used, and
completely wiped out their systems early yesterday.
   And you are absolutely right, being a Health Care Facility, we are on a
very tight budget. put it this way, I am the only person they have to run
450 Workstations with 600 users. No techs, no Exchange people, just me,
and I have been learning Exchange as I have had time to. We currently have
a Budget freeze, although I am trying to threaten them that all Email will
be down if they don't allow me to purchase new Drives.
  I set up the IS to purge all Deleted items every 5 days, because people
were using this as an archive. And I told everyone to purge their Sent

Thanks again for all the advice.

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