Title: RE: Looking for advice re HR Luser request
Yah, why not have them post the job with the job number. Have them state they applicant must put the job number in the subject line and then route accordingly. This is very common on Workopolis, etc.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 5:27 PM
Subject: RE: Looking for advice re HR Luser request


Find out what keywords(job description,etc..) they need routed to which person(s) and then set the rule(s) accordingly.

I'm assuming this isn't a custom recipient. If it is, you'd have to create a mailbox and use OL2K to setup the server based rules. Either that or write a custom CDO to have logic in it to handle those emails.

There maybe some 3rd party tools out there as well.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 1:22 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Looking for advice re HR Luser request

Running Exchange 5.5, SP4 on NT4 SP6a.

Our HR department currently has an email address set up for job postings so people can email their resume. They are getting so many that they no longer want to process them. What they want to do is create a new email address for each posting that would go to the appropriate person in the department with the opening.

The do not wish to use the following suggestions I gave to them: 1. Just use the email of the person in the department you want to receive the resumes. 2. We could create a few distribution lists (for running multiple jobs at once) and they can add and remove users at will. 3. They could set up rules on the current mailbox to route based on job posting number or some other piece of information.

I don't like the idea of creating an email address every time they do a job posting.  So, I'm wondering if anyone else has had to deal with a similar situation and if you found a workable solution.


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