On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 11:20 AM, Jonathan Gruber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A user has sent an email to a bellsouth account using domainb which is
> also hosted on this server and the mail is timing out.

  What's the exact error message?

  Have you checked Event Viewer for more info?

  Have you tried using Exchange SMTP diagnostic logging?

  Have you tried doing the SMTP dialog manually with the TELNET command?

> When a test is sent from domain to the bellsouth.net
> address it goes through, so I assume that the reverse dns lookup bellsouth
> is doing is failing.

  That doesn't sound like a reverse lookup issue.  Reverse lookup is
done against the IP address of your mail server.  If the problem was
with that, it would affect all mail sent from your mail server,
regardless of the sender domain name.

  It might be that the forward lookup of your "domainb.com" is slow or
faulty.  Many SMTP servers check the name submitted in MAIL FROM for
validity, so a DNS problem there can cause trouble.  If you let us
know the actual "domainb.com", we could check it.

-- Ben

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