Why do you think it is your issue?


Have they investigated whether they have any queuing issues?




Michael B. Smith




From: Steve Hart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 1:23 PM
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues
Subject: Single customer issue


I have a customer that's complaining of erratic performance delivering email
to us. Sometimes it comes through; other times, it doesn't.


I'm admittedly over my head, but I suspect a spam related blocking due to a
PTR record mismatch.  They are sending mail from three domains,
nbf-trio.com, trioads.com and trionw.com.  They all share the same email
server at  The PTR record reads mail.nbf-trio.com.  The
server's same in an SMTP session is trionw.com.



We're running Exchange 2007 SP1.


Exchange anti-spam is enabled, but all three of their domains are on our
allow list.


We're also running Forefront, but all blocked emails are quarantined and
we're getting nothing there.


I obviously have little contraol over a customer's email system. How can I
ensure that we recieve their emails?




Thanks in advance,




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