Public folders still exist in E2K7, and don't appear to be going away.  MS
would like everyone to abandon them and move to Sharepoint solutions, but
the public folders are still a very simple solution....


On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 9:57 AM, Evan Brastow

>  Been a while since I’ve made a fool of myself* and I hate to disappoint
> my fans, so….
> We’re running a pretty small environment.. Exchange Server 2003 Enterprise
> and maybe 20 users.
> For years, peoples’ “address book” has consisted of just using the
> auto-complete in Outlook 2003 (and now Outlook 2007 in some cases.) But now,
> I’m growing more and more concerned about that technique and would like an
> easy and reliable way to have a central repository of contacts that everyone
> can use and update.
> My question is, what is everyone doing? I would assume a public folder that
> contains contacts and then is assigned as an address book in people’s
> Outlook configurations, but then I’ve also heard that public folders don’t
> exist in E2K7, which I may upgrade to at some point, so I’m not sure how to
> proceed.
> So, is there a third party solution that people know of and use, or is it
> just a public folder filled with contacts?
> Thanks,
> Evan
> * on this list, anyway.



A heart well prepared for adversity in bad times hopes,
and in good times fears for a change in fortune.

Horace (Ancient Roman Poet. 65 BC-8 BC)

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