And should we get into that percentage will you then be saying the
administration should've done more to prevent this from happening? Should've
done more to contain it! Should've been more prepared? The administration
didn't do enough to protect us? God forbid it should ever escalate beyond
where it is now, but still. I guess what's odd is that this strain is
different from others in the past and it's NOW effecting people in the
states where as a few days ago it was confined to Mexico city? Yet there's
still this "ig-nor-ance" of the fact that this is already a serious issue. I
guess we're giving ourselve something to complain about when / should things
get worse than they already are. I don't get it.

On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 3:44 PM, Jason Gurtz <> wrote:

> +AD4- Don't do this...
> Pretty funny and I hope everyone is staying calm and not getting too
> wigged out over this whole thing.
> Ask yourself: what +ACU- of 6,000,000,000 is 257?  Then, multiply that
> percentage ten-fold just to be safe.
> That 0.00004283+ACU- is just about how worried I am. When we start creeping
> in
> to the mere tenths of a percent let me know. :)
> +AH4-JasonG, who will still be washing his hands often, just like he's done
> every other day for many years now.
> ~ Ninja Email Security with Cloudmark Spam Engine Gets Image Spam ~
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