On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 11:45 AM, Steven M. Caesare<scaes...@caesare.com> wrote:
> When it decides to blow, it will be a mess.

  You can buy a plastic tray to put under the washing machine.  You
can then buy a gadget that (1) senses excess moisture in that tray and
(2) automatically shuts off the washer water supply.  Since your
computer equipment is under the washer, I'd call that a wise
investment.  I've also seen gadgets that purport to sense when the
washer is running or not, and automatically turn the water on/off.

  Or you could do what my parents did in their house: Install a water
shut-off valve in an easy-to-reach location, and manually turn it off
whenever the washer is not in active use.

> Mebbe I should make a project
> of replacing the hoses with some high quality steel braided lines.

  Also a good idea.  But don't forget that things can fail *inside*
the washer, too.

-- Ben

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