When I go out of office I just go to the sunbelt site and set my account to not get email from the list during that time. That being said I hardly ever set those things cause they just invite spammers.

On 5/31/2010 12:33 PM, John Cook wrote:
Keep this in mind (in case you get one from me) we are not allowed to access 
external email accounts (it does wonders for keeping bad things off the 
network) from behind the corp firewall so some of us don't have an option. I 
try not to set an OOF at all for this very reason.
John W. Cook
Systems Administrator
Partnership for Strong Families

----- Original Message -----
From: James Bensley<jwbens...@gmail.com>
To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues<exchangelist@lyris.sunbelt-software.com>
Sent: Mon May 31 08:35:28 2010
Subject: Re: List Etiquette

On 31 May 2010 13:03, Andrew Levicki<and...@levicki.me.uk>  wrote:
It's ironic, is it not, that it's only the Exchange list that suffers from
the out of office problem?

As I was typing my original post I did sense some irony there, apart
from the obvious but also because of all the lists I am on, this one
would be the most likely have a filter to stop out of office replies
going through perhaps?


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