I would recommend going the resource mailbox route
Regards [cid:image001.jpg@01CBADBC.B07E1160] Peter Johnson I.T Architect United Kingdom: +44 1285 658542 South Africa: +27 11 252 1100 Swaziland: +268 442 7000 Fax:+27 11 974 7130 Mobile: +2783 306 0019 peter.john...@peterstow.com www.peterstow.com<http://www.peterstow.com> This email message (including attachments) contains information which may be confidential and/or legally privileged. Unless you are the intended recipient, you may not use, copy or disclose to anyone the message or any information contained in the message or from any attachments that were sent with this email, and If you have received this email message in error, please advise the sender by email, and delete the message. Unauthorised disclosure and/or use of information contained in this email may result in civil and criminal liability. Everything in this e-mail and attachments relating to the official business of Peterstow Aquapower is proprietary to the company. Caution should be observed in placing any reliance upon any information contained in this e-mail, which is not intended to be a representation or inducement to make any decision in relation to Peterstow Aquapower. Any decision taken based on the information provided in this e-mail, should only be made after consultation with appropriate legal, regulatory, tax, technical, business, investment, financial, and accounting advisors. Neither the sender of the e-mail, nor Peterstow Aquapower shall be liable to any party for any direct, indirect or consequential damages, including, without limitation, loss of profit, interruption of business or loss of information, data or software or otherwise. The e-mail address of the sender may not be used, copied, sold, disclosed or incorporated into any database or mailing list for spamming and/or other marketing purposes without the prior consent of Peterstow Aquapower. No warranties are created or implied that an employee of Peterstow Aquapower and/or a contractor of Peterstow Aquapower is authorized to create and send this e-mail. [cid:image002.jpg@01CBADBC.B07E1160] From: HELP_PC [mailto:g...@enter.it] Sent: 25 December 2010 09:14 To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues Subject: R: OUTLOOK Rule creation question for automated response to every email sent to a mailbox. Resource mailbox is also in 2003 GuidoElia HELPPC ________________________________ Da: Robert Peterson [mailto:robert.peter...@prin.edu] Inviato: sabato 25 dicembre 2010 8.05 A: MS-Exchange Admin Issues Oggetto: RE: OUTLOOK Rule creation question for automated response to every email sent to a mailbox. In Exchange 2010, you'll want to look into the options allowed when you set up a mailbox as a "resource", rather than a regular mailbox. You may find more options that you haven't even considered. All the best, From: xyz [mailto:x...@minneapolis.edu] Sent: Friday, December 24, 2010 7:32 PM To: MS-Exchange Admin Issues Subject: OUTLOOK Rule creation question for automated response to every email sent to a mailbox. Greetings, New to this list, but have been monitoring. It looks very good and posting my first question. My background is Groupwise but we recently migrated to EXCHANGE 2010 SP1. Still learning the EXCHANGE 2010 environment - so my MS terminology may not be correct. Below is the rule we are trying to set up - and I am hopefully missing something very simple: We have a "shared mailbox" (MEDIA) that campus users send equipment requests to on a regular basis. We want an automated response to EVERY email sent to MEDIA mailbox indicating something like "your request has been received and we are working on this" or whatever. The basic Automatic Replies ( Out of Office ) "wizard" will not do this as it will reply only once to a given user - which makes sense for Vacation/ Out of Office rules. However, our users will be sending regular emails to MEDIA that require a response each time. I looked into manual rule creation, but not seeing how to set this up so it will provide an automated email response to EVERY message sent to MEDIA. Ideally, this would be set up at the "shared mailbox" level so that the person that monitors that mailbox can change as needed. However, I could also set up at the HUB TRANSPORT level if that is the only way to make this work. Thanks for any help on this. Please enjoy the holiday weekend. Dana --- To manage subscriptions click here: http://lyris.sunbelt-software.com/read/my_forums/ or send an email to listmana...@lyris.sunbeltsoftware.com<mailto:listmana...@lyris.sunbeltsoftware.com> with the body: unsubscribe exchangelist --- To manage subscriptions click here: http://lyris.sunbelt-software.com/read/my_forums/ or send an email to listmana...@lyris.sunbeltsoftware.com<mailto:listmana...@lyris.sunbeltsoftware.com> with the body: unsubscribe exchangelist --- To manage subscriptions click here: http://lyris.sunbelt-software.com/read/my_forums/ or send an email to listmana...@lyris.sunbeltsoftware.com<mailto:listmana...@lyris.sunbeltsoftware.com> with the body: unsubscribe exchangelist --- To manage subscriptions click here: http://lyris.sunbelt-software.com/read/my_forums/ or send an email to listmana...@lyris.sunbeltsoftware.com with the body: unsubscribe exchangelist
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