Forgive me if this mail is sporadic / fragmented sentences but once you get
half way down you might realise why it seems im talking jibberish..

I work for a uk university. We had our annual meeting friday to formulate or
plan for developing the system for the year. There are 5 people in our team,
1 manager and 2web.2email persons. We spent quite some time on effort on it.
We were told by our groups manager at this meeting that we will be
completely moving  all our 3000+ staff accounts to an exchange based service
in less than a years time. Needless to say the next 60 minutes were hazy.
Words/ phrases akin to "synergy", "Strategic direction" and the phrase " 1 +
1 equalling 3" were uttered.

I am posting this to the list for a objective, calculated opinions.
Something I don't think I or my team will be capable of for a few days yet
as all we can see is red for the time being.

I need objective pros / cons for exchange in an entrprise environment that I
can along with my colleagues prepare a document expressing our "concerns"

The decision has imo been made already to move, we will become an all MS uni
within 10 years in accordance with the "strategic direction", in which i
note the technical team has not been consulted about.
Can this be tought of as a good move in any way shape of form?


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