On Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 04:57:19PM +0200, iforbes-exim--- via Exim-users wrote:
> I would rather log user friendly
> header lines, that we can cut/paste into an explanation when the customer
> cannot receive a message.

 If you are rejecting messages on the basis of spamassassin score, then
 you have extremely anti-human policy, annoying users and postmaster...

 You can't ultimately deside what is spam and what is not, because any
 classification algorithm have faults and false positives. The same mail
 considered by one recipient as spam may be accepted as valid and impotant
 by other recipient. So you have better to HELP users with spam classifier,
 but not take responsibility for the result of automatic classification.
 Just deliver "spam" messages to separate folder (named "Spam", etc),
 or mark them (in Subject), and supply user-driven tools for automated
 message processing, ideally for processing of X-Spam-* headers as well.
 Eugene Berdnikov

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