and the first reply to his message had information about the same thing that
he found to be the problem.

Gavin Grabias wrote:

> On Wed, 4 Aug 1999, Al Smith wrote:
> > Well I found the problem, package bin86 wasn't installed which was
> > fouling up the works. Thanks for the NON-help that I got from this list.
> I sometimes wonder why people say the things they say.
> >
> > And on a personal note. I would like to thank everyone that did help me
> > with previous problems but as of late this list has not been able to
> > assist anyone with any problems.
> >
> > I am truly disappointed.
> I'm disgusted that this can even be said!
> I think every one here contributes good info whether it be true or not.
> It brings discussion onto the table.
> Gavin

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