Ramon Gandia wrote:
> Mike Hill wrote:
> >
> > Ive got a CompUSA ad in front of me.
> >
> > I see the following.  Best Data 56K V.90 PCI Modem $49.99 with $20.00 mail
> > in rebate.  CompUSA part number is #202878 (internal modem by the way)
> This is a WinModem.  It used to be that ALL PCI modems were
> winmodems, however there are two out now that are not.  THe
> first was the MultiTech.  However, it still does not work with
> Linux....  The second is the ActionTec (get the right one, they
> have PCI winmodem models too!).  Other than those two, ALL,
> and I repeat ALL other PCI modems are WinModems and do not work
> with Linux.

Not so, I had a USR PCI that was _not_ a winmodem. Until I
left the phone line plugged in during a storm. RIP USR,
blew the tops off three chips. :-(

Probably the best modem I've ever had.

Be aware that 99.9% of pci's are winmodems, just not all.

Bob J.

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