On Tue, Sep 28, 1999 at 09:04:35AM -0600, Herman Van Keer (softouch) wrote:
> "Johan Segernäs" wrote:
> > When i'm switching between X and an other console a few times and done so
> > for a while my machine hangs. I have no net on that machine so I can't
> > telnet/ssh to it, it's just to press the reset.. no fun.

Did you try to ping the box ? If it don't answer, then it means that the
kernel is down.

> Yes... it's no fun to press a reset...
> But FWIW: you can eventually use one of your serial ports to login, using a dumb
> terminal or an older pc with DOS and Kermit (free communication program) will do
> the trick.
> Then at least you can login and do a decent 'reboot'

What about using watchdog ? It's designed to prevent brutal reboot.

- Dis donc, Cortex, qu'est-ce que tu veux faire cette nuit?
- La même chose que chaque nuit, Minus: tenter de conquerir le monde!
  (choeurs) C'est Minus et Cortex, Cortex, Cortex.

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