You do not need to disable pam.

Go to /etc/security/console.perms and comment out every device you do
not want controlled by pam.  Then go to /dev and set the ownership on
those modules to root:root with perms 666.  This gives any user access
to the devices.

If you want a little bit more security, set the ownership to to
root:users and perms 660. Then make sure all permitted users are in
the users group.

On Sun, 21 Nov 1999, WH Bouterse wrote:
-A previous post received no response. I will try again.
-L-M 6.1
-On a Home machine :
-I often have several xsessions running simultaneously on the same
-and I frequently log in as more than one user. 
-Permissions constantly get in the way of various users logging in and
-My wife and I are the only "Real" users at this time.
-My constant battle with permissions and my AWE32 the last couple of
-weeks is getting old.
-Before that it was the never-before-seen printer problem which finally
-got patched up.
-I have tried Axalon's method
-I have tried Civileme's method
-I have tried my method that always worked before.
-I have tried mixing everyones method !!!
-About the time Sound starts working, a permission problem crops up.
-Sure partially its my on lack of Linux expertise, but nevertheless I
-have begun 
-to spend more time "fixing" problems than actually "producing results".
-How can I disable the "Pam_module" to make multi-user use of devices and
-less restrictive and erratic?
-William Bouterse
-Juneau, Alaska
Stephen Carville
A well educated citizenry, being essential to the maintenance of a free
society, the right of the people, to keep and read books shall not be 

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