Ramon Gandia wrote:

> On Fri, 26 Nov 1999,  Denis Havlik wrote:
> > :>Try turning off the virus detection in your BIOS. (hellloooo!!) ;)
> >
> > On the other hand, he IS right - noone should cry VIRUS for LILO. Making
> > some BAD publicity for those who do it could help.
> What most of these BIOS boot sector antiviruses do is
> do a checksum of the bootsector.  They can detect if there
> has been a change.  If it has changed, a virus is assumed.
> I am surprised there is no way to allow for a boot sector
> change.  A lot of things can go in the bootsector besides
> LILO or the Win95 boot:  Win NT boot is different, so
> is System Commander and other boot utilities.  I would
> be quite surprised if this BIOS did not have a way to
> cope with it.  Maybe you ought to look at the BIOS code
> yourself (and modify it with the flash utility).  8086
> BIOS code is not hard to figure out.
> --
> Ramon Gandia ============= Sysadmin ============== Nook Net
> http://www.nook.net                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 285 West First Avenue                     tel. 907-443-7575
> P.O. Box 970                              fax. 907-443-2487
> Nome, Alaska 99762-0970 ==== Alaska Toll Free. 888-443-7525

Thanks for the idea, Ramon.

I discovered the pointer to the boot sector and directed it to the end of my
disk (I always leave a couple cylinders undedicated to any partition, from
the days when bad sectors were remapped) and I set the checksum in the
CMOS equal to that checksum....  Then I found the spot where the code to turn
off AV protection had been skipped and replaced the jmp with some NOPs -- we
get along better, the board and I, but I am still vexed that LILO would be
called a virus.  I suppose if it were simply "changed at the boot
sector-scream you head off" it would be OK...

But when I put in this upgrade, I had to reload windows(it kept reloading the
registry and then loading a bunch of new devices and then rebooting to
complete installation and reporting a damaged registry and reloading it so it
could recognize the changed devices and....)  and LILO was there to begin
with....  Why didn't it yell about the Win98 MBR when I used it to replace
LILO?  I will look at this hexmash a little more, I think.


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