Dear Ron:

Thanks for writing. I think the partition issue is probably the key to
solving this problem, and I appreciate your comments.

I installed the SO binary in /home/sher, then su - to root, then back to
/home/sher/SO to untar the file. This created so51inst in /home/sher/SO.
I then switched back to user, back to /home/sher/SO/so51inst and
installed SO as user by typing the command ./setup. Everything went
smoothly. SO suggested the /home/sher/Office51 directory, which I
accepted. And that was that.

[sher@adsl-77-232-182 sher]$ ls
Desktop  Office51  install.bin  nsmail       tik
LM       SO        mozilla      prophet.txt  tik-0.74.tar.gz
Mail     docs      netomat      runnetomat   wp80
[sher@adsl-77-232-182 sher]$ cd SO
[sher@adsl-77-232-182 SO]$ ls
so51a_lnx_01.tar  so51inst
[sher@adsl-77-232-182 SO]$
So, what could be wrong? SO is installed in my home directory, as are
the docs (whether I use the SO default directory for docs and backups,
which is in /home/sherOffice51 or my own, that is, /home/sher/docs. Same
problem, either way.

By the way, WordPerfect won't write across partitions, either. Yet, I
have installed WordPerfect also in my /home/sher/wp80 directory and am
using it now while I try to figure out what's wrong with SO. No problem
with saving or backup in WP. So, why should I have a problem in SO?

If my installation is wrong, could you suggest how I could install so as
to solve this problem?

Thanks again.


Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

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