Benjamin Sher writes:
 > Dear Ron:
 > Thanks for writing. I think the partition issue is probably the key to
 > solving this problem, and I appreciate your comments.
 > I installed the SO binary in /home/sher, then su - to root, then back to
 > /home/sher/SO to untar the file. This created so51inst in /home/sher/SO.
 > I then switched back to user, back to /home/sher/SO/so51inst and
 > installed SO as user by typing the command ./setup. Everything went
 > smoothly. SO suggested the /home/sher/Office51 directory, which I
 > accepted. And that was that.
 > [sher@adsl-77-232-182 sher]$ ls
 > Desktop  Office51  install.bin  nsmail       tik
 > LM       SO        mozilla      prophet.txt  tik-0.74.tar.gz
 > Mail     docs      netomat      runnetomat   wp80
 > [sher@adsl-77-232-182 sher]$ cd SO
 > [sher@adsl-77-232-182 SO]$ ls
 > so51a_lnx_01.tar  so51inst
 > [sher@adsl-77-232-182 SO]$
 > So, what could be wrong? SO is installed in my home directory, as are
 > the docs (whether I use the SO default directory for docs and backups,
 > which is in /home/sherOffice51 or my own, that is, /home/sher/docs. Same
 > problem, either way.
 > By the way, WordPerfect won't write across partitions, either. Yet, I
 > have installed WordPerfect also in my /home/sher/wp80 directory and am
 > using it now while I try to figure out what's wrong with SO. No problem
 > with saving or backup in WP. So, why should I have a problem in SO?
I have soffice5.1a (from SUN) and it runs fine across NSF mounts, so
writing across partitions should be no problem.  You probably have a
permission problem perhaps because of the order in which you did

If several people are going to use soffice, you should install it in a 
common area such as /opt/Office51 as root
 1. Untar the file to a temporary location; e.g. /tmp/Office51 (or
anywhere you have enough room. 

 2. Assuming this has been done, as root, type 
   /tmp/Office51/bin/setup /net 
 Follow the installation and it will set up the Office package, say in 

 3. As a normal user, type 

 This will create the necessary files in your home directory with the
correct permissions.  It should also set your path variables properly
so that from your usual desktop, you can type "soffice" to get


 > If my installation is wrong, could you suggest how I could install so as
 > to solve this problem?
 > Thanks again.
 > Benjamin
 > Benjamin and Anna Sher
 > Sher's Russian Web

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