I've found a fix for this, although it's probably not the "Best
way" (tm) to do it.  After comparing an lm6.1 machine (that works w/ an
SMB printer), and the lm7.0 (that doesn't), I found that
/var/spool/lpd/lp/.config was mode 644 on the 6.1 machine.  Obviously not
good.  The .config on the 7.0 box was 640, root.root.  Changed the .config
on the 7.0 machine to 644 and printing thru smb works.  Didn't like having
.config world-readable, so I changed it back to 640, root.lp.  This works. 
I've just noticed that if you run printtool and rebuild the
.config, it sets it back to root.root.  DrakConf will leave the
owner.group perms the same as they were originally, root.lp in this case.

Bottom line, the .config should be owner-root, group-lp.

    _/_/_/  _/_/_/  _/_/_/      Jeff Stewart
   _/      _/      _/           Computer Sciences Corporation
  _/      _/_/_/  _/            Corporate Technology Center
 _/          _/  _/             3170 Fairview Park Drive
_/_/_/  _/_/_/  _/_/_/          Falls Church, VA 22042
                                703.641.3317 / [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Thu, 20 Jan 2000, dagnir wrote:

>      I've experience a number of weird things installing Mandrake 7.0 and
> have gone through the install 3 times and have managed to get past all but
> one problem.  I can't get an SMB printer to work.   I've tried the Mandrake
> configuration as well as Printtool.  The printer is an HP600C that has
> worked fine with ever flavor of linux I've tried until now.
>      The lpd daemon initalizes <OK> at boot.  I've get the following
> response with lpc:
> [root@localhost /root]# lpc status
> lp:
>      queuing is enabled
>      printing is enabled
>      no entries
>      no daemon present
> I type lpd at the command line followed by ls > /dev/lp0 and it just sits
> there.  I've checked the lpd, lpc,lpr and lpq permissions.   The printcap
> file is identical to a functional version on a backup.   Samba is definately
> running and I can smbumount shared drives.   Any help or direction is
> appreciated.
> Thanx Darrin

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