Hello Axalon,


> > That's about it.  I did encounter one strange thing though: I couldn't
> > change my login background color or bitmap in GDM; but when I ran KDE
> > (solely for the purpose of bringing up the KDE Desktop Manager applet to
> > change the background of __it's__ login screen), it actually changed the
> > background color for GDM's login window.  Any idea why that would happen?
> > I was happy to get the tile background to change for GDM, but I don't like
> > mysterious fixes.
> >
> > Hope my info is useful to you.  And please let me know if you understand
> > the strange KFM/GDM background mystery.
> >
> > Tim
> less /etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup_0
> it's not the smartest script in the world but eh..

I am not sure I am following here...GDM starts up with a blue background.  I
stop GDM, start KDE, launch KDE Desktop Manager, chage the login screen
background tile, stop KDE, restart GDM...now GDM has the background selected for
the KDE login screen.  Are you saying 'kdedesktop' is somehow involved in the
Xsetup_0 file?


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