Hi again,

Sorry for blinking off for a day. The campus router (which was the thing
acting funny) finally went down.

Axalon Bloodstone wrote:
> On Mon, 7 Feb 2000, Harshal Pradhan wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Axalon Bloodstone wrote:
> >
> > > Does it happen with a particular windowmanager or close method? Something
> >
> > Gnome/Enlightenment. More frequent when our LAN is acting funny.
> So it occurs for you _only_ under gnome-session and only with
> enlightenment set for the windowmanager? What do you mean by acting funny,

Nope. Checked out the rest. The same even with Twm. 
As for the LAN, well we were either getting SUPER speeds or, suddenly,
nothing at all. Thats all worked out now though. (I hope!)

> are you useing a nfs exported /usr dir or the like?

NFS exported /home

Looks like we are going to have to live with this one :-( till Mozilla
shows up. 

Anyway, Thanx All.


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