On Wed, 16 Feb 2000, you wrote:
> how do I put two ip addresses to the same network card -
> specifically I would like to use my public IP address 203.53.###.53 and
> a private ip address on the same card.

run linuxconf as root (naturally)
select 'Networking'
under 'Server tasks' select 'IP aliases for virtual hosts'
pick you card of the list (probably 'eth0')
key in you other IP addressess

Read the help there for more info.

Haven't tried this myself so I can't say for sure it'll work.  I've have done
this trick using Solaris though.


> also if this works then what do I need to do to make samba function only
> on the private ip#

No idea, sorry.  Don't use Samba.

Paul Campbell

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