What doesn't work? I've got aliasing working here, without problems, on two

I see lots of <rant> and very little <detail>.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Patrick Putteman
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2000 1:07 PM
Subject: Re: [expert] 2 IP address - 1 nic

I'd rather see Mandrakesoft fix the IP Aliasing problem that exists with
Mandrake 6.x and probably 7 (haven't tried that yet)  than give
unconstructive comments.

If Mr. Litwiller wants to put 2 ip's, one private and one public, on the
same nic, that's his choice and should normally work. I can even see some
particular setups where this would be a logical choice.

The thing is, IP Aliasing has been broken since Mandrake 6, and although
there have been several questions asked in the expert and newbie mailing
list, I haven't seen one sollution from Mandrake that actually makes it work
for me!

I've too far integrated my Mandrake 6.1 server into our company network
(bind and dhcp server and monitoring tools as Netsaint and MRTG) to switch
to another distro. If I knew what I know now I wouldn't choose Mandrake
anymore. But, I need IP Aliasing!!

The thing is, although I'm still excited about what Mandrake represents and
all the good intentions I don't think Mandrake will ever become THE linux
distro because of basic problems and the lack of sollutions.

You'll never hear me say that Linux has to be simple, has to be installed
with a graphical interface, has to be drag and drop, plug and play, .... I
knew that when I chose to integrate Linux in our company network, I'd have
to actually work on it to get it going (once it's running, it's a pleasure
to keep it that way though), but I'm not a programmer, I'm a system engineer
and don't think that I'm supposed to fix some source code because someone
forgot to replace a comma by a dot in a makefile just before uploading his

----- Original Message -----
From: "Axalon Bloodstone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "expert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2000 9:38 PM
Subject: Re: [expert] 2 IP address - 1 nic

> On Wed, 16 Feb 2000, Timothy Litwiller wrote:
> > how do I put two ip addresses to the same network card -
> >
> > specifically I would like to use my public IP address 203.53.###.53 and
> > a private ip address on the same card.
> You must be jokeing....
> > also if this works then what do I need to do to make samba function only
> > on the private ip#
> >
> >
> >
> --
> MandrakeSoft          http://www.mandrakesoft.com/
>                                         --Axalon

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