Well, that's not quite the process (indeed, I'm not clear on the whole
process; I'm trying to clarify), but check out the "cooker" page at
www.linux-mandrake.com for info on what the process is; I just can't
quite put all of that together yet.

On Sun, 19 Mar 2000, you wrote:
| Way cool! Does mandrake have an e-mail address for sending fixes. A
| repository of stuff that others have done and can be incorporated in to
| the future releases. If not do you and they think that would be a good
| idea. Policy of this e-mail address would be to delete any input that
| asks a question as that is inappropriate for a repository of solutions.
| They could then use or forward to the responsible party.
| Tom
| PS
| You can let go anytime, just remember the three fundamental principles
| of leadership:
| 1) Follow-up; 2) Follow-up; 3) Follow-up. Its all about raising
| someone's consciousness and keeping it at the new level. ^_^
| "Brian T. Schellenberger" wrote:
| > 
| > Agreed, but my goal here is to save the world, not to get my system
| > working.  For each of these issues I've already managed to solve the
| > problem for myself.  I'm trying to improve future releases of Mandrake
| > and spare others from having to work around the problems in the future.
| > 
| > But so far I've not seen that somebody else in a position to get them
| > definatively fixed has taken "ownership" of the issues, so I'm trying
| > to play the role of bulldog here.
| > 
| > I just need to know when the bull is dead so I can finallly let go . . .
| > 
| > On Sat, 18 Mar 2000, you wrote:
| > | One of the most wonderful parts of linux is having access to the source
| > | code. When you find something that does not work and you fix it. Its
| > | yours. You do not have to wait for the Keepers of the Documents to pass
| > | judgement on your work and put it in a future release. It's yours now. I
| > | have found so many bugs in old compilers, that it almost drove me nuts
| > | finding work arounds. Now when I find a problem, I fix it, recompile the
| > | software and run it. Its ssssssssooooooooooooooooooooo sweet! Life is
| > | good with linux.
| > |
| > | Tom
| > |
| > |
| > | Hoyt wrote:
| > | >
| > | > ----- Original Message -----
| > | > From: Brian T. Schellenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| > | > To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| > | > Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2000 3:38 PM
| > | > Subject: [expert] Question on process / how things get into Mandrake
| > | >
| > | > >
| > | > > Question on process . . .
| > | > >
| > | > > How do we know whether some feature / issue that's discussed here
| > | > > actually makes it into the next release of Mandrake?
| > | > >
| > | >
| > | > I doubt there is a secret cabal. Lowly me  (not a programmer or a computer
| > | > geek -- well, not a programmer)  made a suggestion for a fix and it was
| > | > fixed by Pixel or Axalon, I don't recall which. I have found the Mandrake
| > | > people to be very responsive, although they are distracted at times. Do some
| > | > little annoying things slip by? Sure. Do some little annoying things creep
| > | > in? Sure. It's unfortunatley unrealistsic to expect a trouble-free distro.
| > | > Your effort to go over the bug list and fix a few things is, I'm sure,
| > | > welcomed and appreciated.
| > | >
| > | > Hoyt
| > | >
| > | > __________________________________________
| > | > NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
| > | > Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at
| > | > http://www.netzero.net/download/index.html
| > --
| > I am "Brian, the man from babble-on" (Brian T. Schellenberger).
| > I can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .
| > I support http://www.eff.org & http://www.programming-freedom.org .
| > I boycott amazon.com.  See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/amazon.html .
I am "Brian, the man from babble-on" (Brian T. Schellenberger).
I can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .
I support http://www.eff.org & http://www.programming-freedom.org .
I boycott amazon.com.  See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/amazon.html .

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