On Sun, Apr 09, 2000 at 09:12:16PM -0700, Michael Holt wrote:
-> AARGH!  That's simply a play on words!!!!  You stated the fact yourself
-> - the program that's NORMALLY executed on a WINDOWS platform is allowed
-> now to run on a LINUX platform.  You EMULATE the Windows enviroment so
-> that you can run that program in a Linux enviroment.

Not quite. In computer science, "emulator" is a term of art, and has a
specific meaning. It means a program which lets one processor execute the
instruction set of another. Thus, a program that let you run Atari ST
programs on PCs would be an emulator.

DOSEMU is, striclty speaking, not an emulator in that it does not
translate real mode instructions to protected mode instructions. All
DOSEMU does is set up a virtual machine, using the native capabilities of
the i386 processor. This is why DOSEMU does not run on non-Intel

>From what I understand, in the case of WINE, both Windows and Linux code
run in protected mode, so there is no processor instruction translation
issue. Some Windows apps run in a virtual machine, and there translation
is handled by the processor, not by WINE. WINE provides an API, but does
not emulate.


                -- C^2

No windows were crashed in the making of this email.

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