Hi all.

          Last week i bought a box with w98 preloaded. Without thinking
about it, i took my mdk 6.1 cd (i didn't burned a 7.0 cd yet) and i
repartitioned the HD to install linux in the PC. Obviously i deleted the
old w98 installation. i was trying to install wnt4.0 in a separate 
partition. i had NO any problems running linux. But whatever i do, i can't
even format correctly the fat partition. 
          i know that lilo can't boot partitions beggining in cylinder
greater that 1024. i made booteable the partition, i also tried hda1 to be
the fat partition. but when i format such partition (with dos) it
recognizes it as if its size would be 2Gb, althought it is 5Gb. After
reboot, dos does not find c: unit.

          many thanks.

                Claudio J. Tessone
                E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                Departamento de Fisica- Fac. de Cs. Exactas
                Calle 47 y 115.
                1900- La Plata. Bs. As.

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