On Mon, Apr 17, 2000 at 11:24:29AM -0400, Stephen F. Bosch wrote:
-> Charles Curley wrote:
-> > 
-> > -> The NTFS driver works fine in Linux.  The _read_ driver, that is.  I
-> > -> haven't tried the 2.3 writeable driver.  It's marked *DANGEROUS* in the
-> > -> kernel config, though, so don't use it on any volume containing anything
-> > -> you can't afford to lose.
-> > ->
-> > -> NTFS has advantages over FAT, too: it's journaled (no filesystem checks
-> > -> after a crash), it can handle volume sizes up to 4GB, it's faster, and...
-> > -> hmm, well, I guess that's about it.
-> > 
-> > It is, however, proprietary and undocumented,
-> That's for extra *security*
-> *laughs*
-> -Stephen-

Yes. Microsoft's.

And that of certain programmers at Microsoft.


                -- C^2

No windows were crashed in the making of this email.

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