Thanks Ty!
I went to Adaptec's website and download the UDF spec
sheet they had (no simple answers).  I think I know what
to  do in EZ to produce the ISO 9660 disks.  Wonder if
I could get by with running EZ in WINE and reading the
disks I have already made in the UDF format?? HMMM!
It's an option before I switch my CD-RW collection over
to ISO 9660!  
I see your "Re[2]:"and raise you a "Re:" in the Subject
line.  :-)
Thanks again for the info!

On Sun, 16 Apr 2000, you wrote:
> Anything will read them.  For wtiting XCDroast works great (and comes w/ 
> Mandrake). 
> You can use EZ to write - just make sure UDF is not used. I'm not sure how to 
> do that tho.
> I can tell you some general info about UDF tho:
> It's designed to make CD-RW's work like flpys in that you can erase only parts 
> of the disk, rather than having to erase the whole disk.  Does have one flaw 
> however - if you erase a chunk (creating fragmentation) and then it tries to 
> write something bigger than that empty space to that same part, you get errors.
> > That may be the answer since the CD-RW's I'm
> > trying to read were created with that software over
> > on windows!!  Thanks for the lead I may have to
> > change my CD software on windows!
> > What's a good program to use in Linux to read
> > and write to CD-RW's?? 
> > Vern
> > 
> > On Sun, 16 Apr 2000, you wrote:
> > > Adaptec's web site might have some information on UDF.  EZCD Creator 
> supports 
> > > it.
> > > 
> > > Ty C. Mixon
> > > F.T.C. Enterprises
> > > ICQ 26147713
> > -- 
     Vernon Stilwell                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     RR#3 Box 168                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
     Hardinsburg, KY 40143      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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