> On Mon, 24 Apr 2000, you wrote:
> > Since I could not get 'chroot' working, 'mkbootdisk' was not possible.
> Sure it is...it's just a bit more difficult. :-) You just
> have to recall when doing it to preface all paths with
> "/mnt/hdb1" as in "mkbootdisk
> /mnt/hdb1/boot/vmlinux-some-version" *should* have
> worked.... :-)
>       John

It does not.  I tried this on a working system.
After booting up with tomsrtbt, I did...
    mount /dev/hda5 /newboot    (/boot directory)
    mount /dev/hda8 /mnt        (/     directory)

I found /mnt/sbin/mkbootdisk
    cd /mnt/sbin
    ./mkbootdisk /newboot/vmlinux-2.2.12-20

I get the error
    ./mkbootdisk: not found

Thanks... Dan.

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