Let me start off by saying I have been running Linux for over 5 years.  Over
the years I have learned a lot about Linux.  However, there is still a lot I
do not know.  There are many packages out there that I know nothing about.
What is "nhm", "samba", "bind", "wuftp"?  Some of these I have used, some I
have not.  So how do I decide which packages to install?  I don't really
care how you classify me (desktop, server, expert, etc.).  I DO know what I
want to do with this computer.

Therefor, I propose you change the install categories to "I want to:"
things.  Such as:

Run a mail server
Run a Domian Name Server
Issue IP addresses to computers (DHCP)
Dynamically aquire this computers IP address (DHCPC)
Connect to the Internet
Access disks and printers from Windows (SMB) clients
Have a GUI desktop
Run a time server
Run a ftp server
Allow ftp access
Allow telnet access
Allow SSH access
Run a web server
To develop programs
To backup my system using tape
Allow multiple users on this computer

Under each category, there might be sub-categories like:
Run a web server
--- which will use SQL
--- which will use cgi
--- with virual domains
--- etc.
Develop programs
--- using Python
--- using C++
--- using for X
Have a GUI desktop
--- using KDE
--- using Gnome
--- etc.

The bottom of the "I want to" tree should have a list of RPM's that fulfil
the requirement LISTING THE BEST ONE FIRST.  "Best one" could be defined as
the one with the most GUI configuration support, or the easiest one to
configure, or the simplest one to get the job done, etc.  (If I know nothing
about the packages that do this function, then I need a recomendation!)

Run a mail server
--- install postfix
--- install sendmail
--- install qmail
Run a web server
--- which will use SQL
--- +++ install MySQL
--- +++ install postgres
--- which will use cgi
--- with virual domains
--- etc.

After the inital "loading the code" and reboot, "Am I finished?"  Everyone
knows the answer is "NO".  So, "NOW WHAT DO I DO?"

Please provide a post-install "TO DO" list with instructions and
configuration scripts.  Like:

Allow multiple users on this computer
--- Define a new group of users
--- Add a new user
--- Grant modem access
--- Grant CD-ROM access

Summary: This new method would require your user's to not have to know which
packages to install;  they only need to know what "I want to do".

Hope you like this idea,

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