On Thu, 25 May 2000 - Bill Shirley, you wrote:
  |  Let me start off by saying I have been running Linux for over 5 years.  Over
  |  the years I have learned a lot about Linux.  However, there is still a lot I
  |  do not know.  There are many packages out there that I know nothing about.
  |  What is "nhm", "samba", "bind", "wuftp"?  Some of these I have used, some I
  |  have not.  So how do I decide which packages to install?  I don't really
  |  care how you classify me (desktop, server, expert, etc.).  I DO know what I
  |  want to do with this computer.
  |  Therefor, I propose you change the install categories to "I want to:"
  |  things.  Such as:
  |  Run a mail server
  |  Run a Domian Name Server
  |  Issue IP addresses to computers (DHCP)
  |  Dynamically aquire this computers IP address (DHCPC)
  |  Connect to the Internet
  |  Access disks and printers from Windows (SMB) clients
  |  Have a GUI desktop
  |  Run a time server
  |  Run a ftp server
  |  Allow ftp access
  |  Allow telnet access
  |  Allow SSH access
  |  Run a web server
  |  To develop programs
  |  To backup my system using tape
  |  Allow multiple users on this computer
  |  etc.
  |  Under each category, there might be sub-categories like:
  |  Run a web server
  |  --- which will use SQL
  |  --- which will use cgi
  |  --- with virual domains
  |  --- etc.
  |  Develop programs
  |  --- using Python
  |  --- using C++
  |  --- using for X
  |  Have a GUI desktop
  |  --- using KDE
  |  --- using Gnome
  |  --- etc.
  |  The bottom of the "I want to" tree should have a list of RPM's that fulfil
  |  the requirement LISTING THE BEST ONE FIRST.  "Best one" could be defined as
  |  the one with the most GUI configuration support, or the easiest one to
  |  configure, or the simplest one to get the job done, etc.  (If I know nothing
  |  about the packages that do this function, then I need a recomendation!)
  |  Like:
  |  Run a mail server
  |  --- install postfix
  |  --- install sendmail
  |  --- install qmail
  |  Run a web server
  |  --- which will use SQL
  |  --- +++ install MySQL
  |  --- +++ install postgres
  |  --- which will use cgi
  |  --- with virual domains
  |  --- etc.
  |  After the inital "loading the code" and reboot, "Am I finished?"  Everyone
  |  knows the answer is "NO".  So, "NOW WHAT DO I DO?"
  |  Please provide a post-install "TO DO" list with instructions and
  |  configuration scripts.  Like:
  |  Allow multiple users on this computer
  |  --- Define a new group of users
  |  --- Add a new user
  |  --- Grant modem access
  |  --- Grant CD-ROM access
  |  Summary: This new method would require your user's to not have to know which
  |  packages to install;  they only need to know what "I want to do".
  |  Hope you like this idea,
  |  Bill

Perhaps offer the user a choice?


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