On Fri, 26 May 2000, Charles Curley wrote:
> On Thu, May 25, 2000 at 08:08:23PM -0400, Bill Shirley wrote:

> -> Therefor, I propose you change the install categories to "I want to:"
> -> things.  Such as:
> -> 
> -> Run a mail server
> -> Run a Domian Name Server
> -> Issue IP addresses to computers (DHCP)
> Excellent idea, Bill! It will be difficult to do, but well worth it. This
> will be great for folks who know what they are doing, and a major
> improvement for folks new to Linux.

Ok lets go one step further, if you select 'I want to run a mailserver' the
reply would be 'which one do you want to run?'. There could be a
default/recommended selection for those who don't have a preference. 

It seems a tree dialog could be really cool, instead of having to browse the
entire tree (7.0's expert is overwhelming and time consuming) you'd only be
shown those branches you are interested in.

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