John Aldrich wrote:
> On Mon, 03 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> > I would like to add a question here if I may; I'm used to Windows where the
> > 'temp' directory is for temporary stuff and should be dumped periodically.
> > What is the /tmp directory in *nix used for and why can't I delete it's
> > contents?
> >
> Generally, it's exactly what you'd think it's for. However,
> Mandrake folks, in their wisdom, have apparently put some
> vital X-related stuff in /tmp. Why in heaven's name, I
> don't know, as most of us are used to thinking EXACTLY what
> you're thinking. This has been a complaint since at least
> 7.02, if not 6.5.
>         John

That makes sense, although I remember sometime back dumping the /tmp
folder in either RedHat 6 or SuSE 6.3 (I don't remember which) and
having problems after that.  At that point it was just easier to
reinstall, but I haven't done that since and I just chalked it up to
*nix stuff being different that way.  Is it just Mandrake that puts
stuff in there?  What is safe to clean up on a regular basis?

Thanks, Mike
Mike & Tracy Holt
Kirkland, WA

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