That's the /root/tmp directory that's listed, not /tmp.  You're right,
/tmp should have 1777 permissions, but /root/tmp should be 700.

-Matt Stegman

On Mon, 10 Jul 2000, David Talbot wrote:

> On Fri, 07 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> > > don't delete while running X server but you safely delete them before
> > > running X (and it's what we do in the initscripts).
> > 
> > What should the permissions be inside /root/tmp for X stuff ?
> > Mine looks like this...
> > [root: ~/tmp]# ll -d .
> > drwx------    2 root     root         2048 Jul  6 11:31 ./
> > [root: ~/tmp]# ll *f
> > -rwx------    1 root     root           28 Jun 17 16:33 DrakConfdrakboot4HYHxf*
> > -rwx------    1 root     root           33 Jun 20 00:46 DrakConfdrakfontiYbkff*
> > -rwx------    1 root     root           28 Jun 27 15:50 DrakConfharddrakehQtGjf*
> > -rwx------    1 root     root           24 Jun 14 21:21 DrakConflinuxconfgnHUMf*
> > -rwx------    1 root     root           33 Jun 17 16:29 DrakConfrpmdrake269juf*
> > 
> > Thanks... Dan.
> For /tmp on a system you don't care if it's too insecure, chmod 777 * -R
> -- 
> -David Talbot
> Those who would trade freedom for security deserve neither. -B. Franklin

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