On Fri, 21 Jul 2000, you wrote:
I believe you already have these "new classes of installation".  They are
called Low, Medium, High and Paranoid if I am not mistaken.

FWIW I have been using Linux for 4 years and have tried all the popular
distributions before settling on Mandrake.  I am now using 7.1 with a little
Cooker stirred in for good measure.  Since I like the "bleeding edge" my system
has been hosed many times, but EVERY time I have found a source to my problems
it had its hands on my keyboard.

Some of the recent threads on this list are getting a little old.  If you want
easy of installation and hand holding, go buy a box with Windows pre-installed.
If you want a stable OS which allows you the freedoms to tweak your system as
you see fit, then be prepared to do just that.  You can't have it both ways. 
Mandrake has a great installation program and it keeps getting better (thanks
guys), but you still can't just put a cd in the drive and come back an hour
later and fire it up.  Of course I haven't been able to do a fresh install of
Windows on a new drive that way either.

> Many of us are upset that our former freedoms
> have been robbed of us in the latest release. If
> there was ever a higher purpose to the Linux
> operating system, these changes are it's defeat.
> I would recommend two new classes of installation:
> 1.   protect me from myself
> 2.   let me be free
> pelon
Kenneth Archer + San Antonio, Texas
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