I have been reading all of the problems that others have had with 
version 7.1 and sometimes think they are user caused.  What we have 
to do is figure out the real cause of problems and then try and help.  As with
any OS, the user needs to understand how it works,  and how her or his hardware
fits in, and what must be done to make the OS compatible with the hardware.

73, & ttyl

Don ....

On Fri, 21 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ken Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, July 21, 2000 10:39 PM
> Subject: Re: [expert] Freedoms Past
> .
> >>
> > Some of the recent threads on this list are getting a little old.  If you
> want
> > easy of installation and hand holding, go buy a box with Windows
> pre-installed.
> > If you want a stable OS which allows you the freedoms to tweak your system
> as
> > you see fit, then be prepared to do just that.  You can't have it both
> ways.
> > Mandrake has a great installation program and it keeps getting better
> (thanks
> > guys), but you still can't just put a cd in the drive and come back an
> hour
> > later and fire it up.  Of course I haven't been able to do a fresh install
> of
> > Windows on a new drive that way either.
> >
> Apparently this is the claim of a new distro - MaxOS - just 12 minutes from
> show to go.
> It'll be interesting to see just how they install.
> Hoyt

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