Greg Stewart wrote:
> I remember when a 10MB hard drive was the size of pizza, fit into a 
>refridgerator-sized beast ofa cabinet, and PCs had 8 & 1/2 inch floppy diskettes!

No one remembers the Diablo drives, 5M fixed & 5M removable (soft sectored
cartridges made for some fun when mounted on a hard sector drive :) 

But that was "high tech" compared to storage which consisted of paper tape,
punch cards, mag tape...  Of course, even these were great when compared to
programs "written" on 30"x30" (if I remember the size correctly) plug boards
with loads of wires and the odd diode to prevent backflow.  That was about the
time it took an entire weekend to sort a few thousand "records" (cards, one
column at a time) if not too many cards were "eaten" by the sorter which
required a trip to the 026/029 machines...   Then VM appeared on the
IBM360/67...  Ahhhhhh!!!  :^)

Retired (not yet 55),

PS:  The best "flashback" was watching a co-worker go airborne...  he was
sitting on a chair which he rolled over bubble wrap while pulling out a DEC
power supply drawer... :^)  :^)

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