On Tue, Jul 25, 2000 at 12:41:26AM -0400, Sarang Lakare wrote:
> If there is so much trouble with supermount, then why is it included by
> defaut? (I know there is a option to unclick it when u are in expert
> install).. but why keep somethgin thats beta?? 

Hmm, no problems here!  

> How is autofs? can't we set its default directory to /mnt and install it?

Yes, I really second that!  I like autofs a whole lot more than supermount. 
Can't even think of a reason why supermount was introduced in the first
place, when autofs is working so fine!

> These small things bring a really bad reputation to linux.

Don't exagerate.  It's just you that's having problems, not the whole
Mandrake "community".

Alexander Skwar
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