Mark Weaver wrote:
> Ok...I'm still a little foggy on this console stuff. I'm only half
> there. So, if my desktop freezes as it has once or twice since I've
> started working with Linux,(about 14 months), and CTL-ALT-BACKSPACE
> doesn't take me out of X, then will CTL-ALT-Fx (x = 1-6) get me there
> without having to do a hardboot and risk filesystem damage?

depends on how bad the state of kernel is.. sometimes the only solution is

Here are some more key strokes :

Alt-SysReq-r      get the kbd in raw mode.. try this if Ctrl-Alt-BS dosn't
          -s      tries to save any unsaved data to disk
          -e      terminates all processes
          -i      kills all processes
          -u      unmounts all filesystems
          -b      reboots the machine

The mandrake document says that u're supposed to do this in the given

>No matter how long I use Linux not a day goes by that I don't learn
>something new.

now you got another day's worth :)


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