On Wed, 26 Jul 2000, Darryl Gibson wrote:

> Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2000 01:16:33 -0400
> From: Darryl Gibson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [expert] OT: harddrive flashback
> Mark Weaver wrote:
> > 
> > Ok...I'm still a little foggy on this console stuff. I'm only half
> > there. So, if my desktop freezes as it has once or twice since I've
> > started working with Linux,(about 14 months), and CTL-ALT-BACKSPACE
> > doesn't take me out of X, then will CTL-ALT-Fx (x = 1-6) get me there
> > without having to do a hardboot and risk filesystem damage?
> I try CTL+ALT-Fx first, to see if I can get to a promp, run top, and
> kill the offending process first, if that doesn't work, I CTL+ALT-F7 to
> get back into Xwindow, and then try CTL+ALT-BACKSPACE. If that doesn't
> work, 

You should trying hitting alt-sysrq-k first, then if that doesn't work,
try alt-sysrq-s, then alt-sysrq-b.

alt-sysrq-k kills all running processes except init

alt-sysrq-s syncs the hd, and alt-sysrq-b reboots

elsewise, the the reset switch may work better.

> I cross my fingers and close my eyes, and aim my finger between
> the OFF switch, and the RESET switch. I've had to do that once in
> twelve+ months of using Linux.
> > No matter how long I use Linux not a day goes by that I don't learn
> > something new.
> Yes, I could spend the rest of my life playing with this system, but I
> need to find someone willing to pay me to do it!
> Darryl
> Sig file not loaded due to loose nuts behind the controls.


Ellick Chan
Jul 26

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