I must be missing something here.
The editor I get when I type "vi" in a console/terminal/whatever
is simple to use. Cursor keys work just as I expect them
to. If I want to start inserting stuff, I just type an i
and the word INSERT appears at the bottom. Then I move around
with the cursor keys, typing what I want, using the delete and
backspace keys as I would in any other editor, and make all the
changes I need.
Hit escape, the word INSERT goes away.
type :w then :q and I'm back at the prompt, all my changes nicely

What's so hard about that? Even the old DOS "edit.exe" wasn't
any easier.
If that's too hard to learn how to do, the person isn't a newbie,
they're an idiot.

Yes, I know there are advanced features that require learning a little
more to use, but by the time I need them I've fixed the conf file that
was preventing me from starting X, and I use a GUI editor, which is
what all the whiners seem to want, anyway.

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