
>      An *important* *question* :
>      May I to put these three lines in a "standard" file ? (like

No, I believe those lines need to go in /etc/ppp/ipup-local as Mike Rambo
They'll do you no good in the options file.

>    Yeah !!! So, My Window$'98 machine is well done !! LIKE TO WORK IN
> ... Hurry !!

Um... I'm not too sure anyone is *really* going to list the individual
settings you need to make to the 5.25-page samba.conf file. You might be
MUCH better off get the O'Reilly book on Samba (approx. $49.00) from a
bookstore, or that god-awful place.

>    My /etc/resolv.conf is :
>      domain  #   my dear ISP Supplyer
>      search LINUX          #  my dear Linux Server Pentium III 128 Mb

Did you type this in *yourself*?

/etc/resolve.conf should contain the IP addresses of your ISPs DNS servers,
or the IP address of the localhost if your running your own. You can't
resolve domain names by USING domain or host names.

> and I've /etc/ppp/options (to connect to my ISP) well configured too.
> (mmmhh : not detailed here  ... )

Good parenthetical comment?

> Putting conditions on other folks offers of help???
> ....[If you agree it : nobody is obliged to answer ... (:-D) ]
> ....[My conditions have many logic reasons to be]

Your reasons may have good intentions, but the fact remains that the HOW-TOs
are EXTREMELY well written, in most cases, and have far more information
than is is possible to convey through an e-mail message; withouth, of

> Try 'man ipchains' for example...
> ....[No, thanks; I don't want to read 'man', by now; I prefer to hear]
> ....[To me Howto is Nothing "per se"; is like to read the yellow pages]
> ....[We need more than a 'Howto' and a 'man' like these now]
> ....[MSDN, O'Reilly books, Multimedia, Encarta are some docs. examples]
> ....[But this is another history ...maybe based in methodology, not in
> pieces]
> ....[Your explanation is 10^10 times better than the Howto & Man]

Follow me here:
1. Didn't Mike simply  RE-TYPE  the HOW-TO?
2. I understand the 'man' pages can be confusing, that's why there's HOW-TO
3. I don't see how reading an e-mail is so very much different from reading
the HOW-TO in the first place, don't you have to READ the E-MAIL?
4. If you're citing O'Reilly (and I'm not sure why you've included MSDN!!!!)
you're agreeing to the validity of WRITTEN documentation on the subject. How
is this different from, and again, READING the HOW-TOs?

Yes, there is a great deal of explanation one can give about a topic covered
the man pages and HOW-TO documentation, but a recantation of the information
is not a discussion...not is it an explanation. If you have read up on the,
at least some of the documentation, and have difficulties with the subject
matter, indiciate the portions you have a need to understand more closely,
and people can help you through the topic.

An introduction to the topic, either through e-mail, or the existing
documentation differs not at all. And, you're asking a lot of people to have
them recite the information, albeit in written form, when it already lives
on the CD that came with your distribution.

> An important question is "how to" (!) start this excellent file.
> And where ? ; at the begin ? starting "hand made" ?
> In the section "Startup services" ?
> Any suggestions ...?

Here, I can only ask:   Ehrrr... What?

Terribly sorry if I sound perturbed, but the level of involvement you expect
is only exceeded by the involvement many people have spent writing the
material for which we all provide links.


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