cavall_fort wrote:
> Hello, forum :
>       I'd like to configure Linux Mand.7.1 to comunicate a win98 with
> internet. Please, I need the configuration, not links nor references to
> Howto, nor vague information ...      (:-D)
>       I have Samba well configured : I can see Linux from Win98 and Win98
> from Linux. On the Linux box, PPP is well enabled, with the connexion OK.

You didn't give very much detail about your system status.  You'll first
need to get PPP configured.  I guess I'd suggest the netconf tool in
linuxconf to do that if you haven't already done that part.

To route your network traffic through your linux box to the internet you
need just a few lines in your one of your ppp scripts - I use
/etc/ppp/ip-up.local.  That file won't probably exist on a default
install but /etc/ppp/ip-up does look for it and will use it if you
create it.  After you create the file be sure to 'chmod +x ip-up.local'
to add execute permission.

# Enable forwarding of IP packets.
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
# Simple (underscore simple) firewall rules for masqerading IP packets
# from the local network to any destination.
# Flush all existing forwarding rules.
/sbin/ipchains -F forward
# Set default forwarding policy to DENY.
/sbin/ipchains -P forward DENY
# Amend policy to masq & forward any local traffic to any destination.
/sbin/ipchains -A forward -s -d -j MASQ

Note that you need to substitute the '192.168.1' with whatever numbers
are appropriate for your local network.  Also, your PPP configuration
must correctly set a defaultroute to your ISP.  You can check this by
connecting to your ISP and using the 'route -n' command from a console. 
There should be a default gateway entry at the bottom of the list that
has the IP address your ISP assigned you (assuming your ISP uses dynamic
addresses as is common).  If this is all correct you should only need to
set the default gateway on your winboxes to point to your linuxbox and
communication should work.

Also, note that this only gets communication up - it doesn't touch
getting the linuxbox to automatically dial out on demand.  For that you
might check out the following URL for help.  And perhaps others have
suggestions on that topic too.  I'm still struggling with the demand
dialing part of the equation myself.  Good Luck.

Mike Rambo
Media & Electronics Specialist
Lansing School District

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