Hello, Tony :

       Thank you very much for your detailed explanations.

> I don't understand, we can either repeat the documentation or provide a
link to it. What's easiest for you isn't always what's easier for those who
are trying
> to help. :-)

     Yes, but let me receive your explanation in my "style", please ... he
he he.

> Please don't take a reference to a link as an indication that we're not
trying to help.
   No, no, no, no, no!, please, please.
> In the majority of cases the documentation explains things more thoroughly
than we could ever hope to achieve on this list.
   Yes , yes, yes ... But I'm not feel good when reading Howto's 200 K...
    From now, I'm learning to know to find !!! Now I'll read only a +/-30 K
>         # ipchains -P forward DENY
>         # ipchains -A forward -i ppp0 -j MASQ
>         # echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
> Typing each of these commands at the command line sets up packet
> rules to allow the linux PC to forward traffic to and from other machines
on the
      FANTASTIC !! GOOD !! I need it .

      An *important* *question* :
      May I to put these three lines in a "standard" file ? (like

> Internet. NOTE: You need to have IP chains support in your kernel, if a
> exists called /proc/net/ip_fwchains then you do already. If you don't then
>you need to read the manual/howto on how to recompile your kernel or a
>firewall module.
    ALL RIGHT ! I have the ipchains module installed from a few days,
> To make things permanent (so next time you boot the forwarding rules stay
> same) I'm going to have to give a link to the IPCHAINS howto because it
> explains in great detail with scripts more than I can here.
> http://www.linuxdocs.org/IPCHAINS-HOWTO-2.html#permanent
   ((ohh nooo "Howto" again ==vade retro satanas== ))
 Thank you, all right ! I'll study it ... :-((
> In the IPMASQ howto it explains how to set up a Windows 95/98 PC to use a
> PC to forward IP packets but it's a simple procedure so i'll repeat it
> - Click on Control Panel, click on Network.
> - If TCP/IP isn't installed for your network card (it should be already)
> install it by clicking on Add -> Protocol -> Microsoft -> TCP/IP protocol
> - Select the TCP/IP item attached to your network card and then click
> properties, click the IP address tab and enter an IP address for your
> PC if it hasn't already got one. eg. your windows PC can be if
> linux PC has the address for the network card
> - Click the Gateway tab and add your linux PC's IP address. eg or
> whatever the IP address for you Linux PC's network card is.
> - Click the DNS server tab and either enter your ISP's DNS servers OR the
> servers found in your Linux /etc/resolv.conf file OR your Linux machine's
> address if you are running a local caching DNS server on the Linux PC.
> - Click OK..Ok..OK..Ok and then restart and things should be working.
   Yeah !!! So, My Window$'98 machine is well done !! LIKE TO WORK IN SAMBA
... Hurry !!
   My /etc/resolv.conf is :

     domain wanadoo.es  #   my dear ISP Supplyer
     search LINUX          #  my dear Linux Server Pentium III 128 Mb

and I've /etc/ppp/options (to connect to my ISP) well configured too.
(mmmhh : not detailed here  ... )

> If i've missed something obvious in any of this then i'd ask someone to
> it out, but still believe firmly that my clumsy explanation of IP
> here is no substitute for reading both the IPchains howto and the IP
> Masquerade howto thoroughly.
   ((Yes, "howto")) I think that your explanation is a detailed synthesis of
many devils, sorry, Howto's     (:-D)   Thanks again for it.

Mike Rambo said ----------------------------------
# Enable forwarding of IP packets.
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
# Simple (underscore simple) firewall rules for masqerading IP packets
# from the local network to any destination.
# Flush all existing forwarding rules.
/sbin/ipchains -F forward
# Set default forwarding policy to DENY.
/sbin/ipchains -P forward DENY
# Amend policy to masq & forward any local traffic to any destination.
/sbin/ipchains -A forward -s -d -j MASQ

Note that you need to substitute the '192.168.1' with whatever numbers
are appropriate for your local network.  Also, your PPP configuration
must correctly set a defaultroute to your ISP.  You can check this by
connecting to your ISP and using the 'route -n' command from a console.
There should be a default gateway entry at the bottom of the list that
has the IP address your ISP assigned you (assuming your ISP uses dynamic
addresses as is common).  If this is all correct you should only need to
set the default gateway on your winboxes to point to your linuxbox and
communication should work.
.... [*all right* Thank you]

Putting conditions on other folks offers of help???
....[If you agree it : nobody is obliged to answer ... (:-D) ]
....[My conditions have many logic reasons to be]
Try 'man ipchains' for example...
....[No, thanks; I don't want to read 'man', by now; I prefer to hear]
....[To me Howto is Nothing "per se"; is like to read the yellow pages]
....[We need more than a 'Howto' and a 'man' like these now]
....[MSDN, O'Reilly books, Multimedia, Encarta are some docs. examples]
....[But this is another history ...maybe based in methodology, not in
....[Your explanation is 10^10 times better than the Howto & Man]
Mike Rambo said (end)-------------------------------

An important question is "how to" (!) start this excellent file.
And where ? ; at the begin ? starting "hand made" ?
In the section "Startup services" ?
Any suggestions ...?

   Thank you to Tony Smith and to Mike Rambo too.

   Your turn, sirs ...

Cavall_forT Linux Català

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