Mallard wrote:
> Thanks for wasting the two hours I had today to do some programming!
> I was compiling just fine in 7.0 after figuring out how to install
> everything I needed. now I do a clean install of 7.1 "developer" and
> everything else is installed to compile C++ except the libsrcc++ or
> whatever you call it.
> Make can't find fstream.h a basic every day file it should have if you
> install "developer" I would think.
> So I go to your BUGGY drakRPM and click on the install for the RPM and
> it asks for cdrom2. Like I know what that is. I put in the "sources" CD,
> figuring that is #2 because there were only two CD's in 7.1 I got for
> $30.
> It spins the CD and sits there looking like a typical BUGGY windows
> program, not telling me it didn't find "cdrom2" or maybe the file wasn't
> there, who knows.
> to bring up a dialog box and print into it? No, instead let's let the
> user guess what's happening.
> Besides that, what lame program dissapears while it's "updating RPM
> base" ? I have never seen anything like that before, makes you think it
> crashed. Who is teaching these kids to program now days?
> Then I do another lame thing, go into file manager root>mnt>cdrom so I
> can see my cdrom (no mandrake couldn't have made little easy to find
> links for them, too busy playing doom or something to spend 2 minutes
> making things easier for the 1000's of users that will get your dist) -
> then I find the file is on the main CD, but no it's not the file, it's
> some other c++ goodie I have no clue what is for, so I don't think it's
> here at all. WHY NOT? Is there a more $$ version with this ONE FILE in
> it?
> OK, so I go to the main site and do a search, try it, try to find it.
> What the hell was it called? I don't remember, should have writen it
> down. But geeks always write this stuff down, that's the point, we want
> you to not have a life like we do, suffer like us, that's what Linux is
> all about, "I wasted my life figuring this out, so I will now make
> others do it too!" - is that the motto here?
> So I decide to get smart ass, I am gonna get it from 7.0 and screw you
> too! So I find it on 7.0, no thanks to the BROKEN search feature in
> drakeRPM, looking for fstream.h, and the way you have to tell it to go
> look on the cdrom, what type of user interface is that called?
> I find it and try to use kpackage to install it. It does, but in
> usr/include/c++-2/  that's the secret directory. So now it should make
> just fine, RIGHT?
> No, because make or gcc or whatever is configured to look in another
> newer directory that mandrake made up FOR SOME REASON (HINT HINT???)
> called c++-3 even though it's the same files. So like the smart ass I am
> I make a directory called that and put the files in there.
> AH HA! make finds the files and compiles, but wait! MORE ERRORS? on a
> program that compiled just fine before? YES!! ios() has errors! it
> didn't before, so now what???
> Well my 2 hours are up, I wasted my life like you wanted. THANK YOU!
> You guys owe me a new updated 7.1 CD set when you get your act together.
> I am calling your customer service line and returning this crap back to
> you. BAD JOB on this one!
> Now I have to waste more time re-installing 7.0 so I can do a simple
> make. WHAT A JOKE!
> I gave you $30 instead of updating 7.0 because I thought I would
> contribute to the effort, I was wrong.

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