OK, next question:

Why is it that if "DrakConf" is the configuration module for MDK, it's not
installed by default? And, not only was drakConf not installed, its required
KDE package was left out as well.

After installing the bugger, I tried "medium" security and it did nothing to
help my situation. I had to choose "low" before I could even descend into a
presumably public directory, and then only when I had the directory name
correct--auto complete wouldn't even touch it.

I'm beginning to think MDK is a little sloppy in some areas.


> Greg Stewart wrote:
> > Where and what the heck are the config files to change this? I'd rather
> > re-install the darn machine.
> You can change security levels in DrakConf - sounds to me like you chose
> High, I'm running on Medium with none of these sort of problems.

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