Pj wrote:
> About 4 years ago I was contemplating a MAC. I
> was at the local sales/repair shop and asked to see
> it's DOS. All I saw was icons! "How do I get into it?"
> "You don't", was the reply. "But how do I write script or change
> stacks?"
> "You don't. That's what we're here for."
> Neither the machine, the limited software, or their hourly rate was
> cheap!

And you always believe the used car sales guy (he used to be one) at the
You need to READ SOME MANUALS to be able to program a Mac. You may have
to LEARN SOMETHING, and would probably have to spend as many hours as it
takes to learn "vi". One thing is for sure, if you did write a program,
it couldn't require all sorts of cool "switches" and some geeky define
like program [erftgtgds] [file:tpty] [orthis-geekything]
[gre/ggdd/d/df//d.f/d/f/] \ gjgj d\diirrpv 

If a Mac user has to read a manual, the program sucks!

GREAT! forces the geeks to not be geeks! Damn they hate that.

DOS? Like I said before, it's not 1983 ANY MORE! this command line crap
is for the birds. You should be using some sort of GUI minimum to access
remote machines (like servers). Talk about a waste of time.

I think its all a way for geeks to keep their day jobs. make the exec's
think you are worth something because you know some cryptic commands you
can type in. The more crap you remember, the more you move up the geek
ladder. Why do people hang on to VT100 80 X 24 1983 technology like its
some sort of wonderful thing? Get a life!

Yes, I used to save my programs on paper tape, but if I did it now at a
Linux meeting, I would be god like!

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