I keep seeing references to grc.com on this linux list... grc does port
scanning for known windows hacks--not that it is completely without
relevence to linux, but grc's scans do not test for most vulnerabilities
across OSes.

When you have a firewall up and running, and you think it's well configured,
you can get a free, and rather harsh, external nmap scan from
www.hackerwhacker.com the first scan is free, additional services are per

This scan will work your firewall hard, and can take up to a few hours--it's
rather complete for a free scan.


> Goto www.grc.com they got a special program that scans your ports and
> your firewall!!

> faisal wrote:
> > How can i check which ports on my computer are open
> > i will be sitting on my server ?
> >

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